let's share knowledge
We are
JetBrains Certified Trainers.
Because all teams are unique in their compositions, backgrounds, and goals, we tailor each workshop to the specific needs of team we are addressing, making each training unique to the client.
Thanks to our experience in pedagogy as well as in architecture & development,
we have developed a set of training courses & exercises that focuses on providing technical teams
the most practical knowledge in mere days.
Each notion set is always put in perspective with a corresponding coding exercise.
We focus on productivity and quality, not only addressing technical notions, but more importantly outlining their best practices.
Have a look at some training programs.
Structured concurency with Kotlin coroutines
Kotlin coroutines allow modeling complex concurrency scenarios in a structural and expressive way. Learn how to model a concurrent task, and harness the power of the KotlinX Coroutines library (scoping, cancellation, etc).
Advanced Kotlin for library & SDK development
Kotlin offers many advanced language features that are typically used by library developers, allowing them to provide application developers great tools. Discover these advanced features, and master them to create elegant yet powerful Kotlin APIs.
The Kotlin language for iOS developers
Kotlin's syntax is very similar to Swift's, yet their philosophy may sometimes diverge. This training is focused at iOS Swift developers that want the tools to work on a shared Kotlin multiplatform project.
KMM: Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile for Android & iOS
Share meaningful business & behaviour code between your Android & iOS apps, keeping their views native & specific. That's the dream! Learn how to implement that dream, how to architecture your application accordingly, and how to communicate cleanly between a shared core and a native UI. Requires: "Structured concurency with Kotlin coroutines" and possibly "The Kotlin language for iOS developers".
Advanced low-level Kotlin/Native
Kotlin/Native is the Kotlin compiler that produces native executable for multiple targets (iOS being just one of them). It exposes Kotlin APIs allowing native code to access C libraries, manage low-level memories, and access platform system APIs (such as POSIX). Requires: "KMM: Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile for Android & iOS".
Efficient pure Kotlin backend
Learn how to create a pure Kotlin, lightweight, concurrent HTTP server using Jetbrains dedicated framework: Ktor. Requires: "Structured concurency with Kotlin coroutines".
Kotlin/React for the web
React is the framework of the web: it allows creating very effective confined web components & applications. This training is for those who want to create web UIs while still using the structured & safe language they know and love: Kotlin!
Proudly Open Sourced.
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